Friday, January 4, 2008

The Minneapolis, MN Bridge Collapse

Latest News! (below)

Watch my video showing some of the things from "that nite".

911 Millitary Support On Site Of Bridge Falling Into Mississippi

There was a BlackHawk UH-60 national guard helicopter on site where an interstate highway bridge fell into the river.

Later research brought me to a website that claims this collse was a terroristic act and a sound energy "bomb" was used, being created for the millitary at Augsburg University which is not very far away! - What do you think of that?

So anyway, I thought I might share a quick glimpse of some of the stuff I recorded down by the river that night. I arrived on the east side of the bridge and managed to get down by the railroad tracks about 1.5 hours later. There were people everywhere, People were offering to help but denied...

Across the river I could see a constant stream of vehicles traveling to the east with flashing lights on them which were probably delivering people to the hospitals in the area. Me and a guy from the NY City Times considered going down this one hill for a better view. A train had become squashed and crunched under one section of the bridge. It was such a sad event

Breaking News on the collapse!

Tuesday Jan. 15 2008,
The National Transportation Safety Board has found a design flaw as the reason of the I35W Minneapolis bridge collapse where 13 people died. The flaws were in the gusset plates which are thick metal plates that hold everything together, they have many large bolts and were about half as thick as they should had been!

Unfortunate Bridge Collapse Victims Suing State of Minnesota
Tuesday Jan. 21 2008

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